Home Decision Support System Risk Assessment Tools
Decision Support System for Management of Invasive Alien Species in the Black Sea Basin Risk Assessment Tools

Indicators on alien species within the DPSIR framework

Description, protocols and examples of risk assessments are available from:

Panov VE, Alexandrov B, Arbačiauskas K, Binimelis R, Copp GH, Grabowski M, Lucy F, Leuven RSEW, Nehring S, Paunović M, Semenchenko V, Son MO (2009) Assessing the risks of aquatic species invasions via European inland waterways: from concepts to environmental indicators. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, Volume 5, Issue 1: 110–126

Panov VE, Alexandrov B, Arbačiauskas K, Binimelis R, Copp GH, Grabowski M, Lucy F, Leuven RSEW, Nehring S, Paunović M, Semenchenko V, Son MO (2010) Risk Assessment of Aquatic Invasive Species Introductions via European Inland Waterways. Atlas of Biodiversity Risk. Pensoft. Sofia, pp 140–143

Arbačiauskas K, Semenchenko VP, Grabowski M, Leuven RSEW, Paunović M, Son MO, Csányi B, Gumuliauskaitė S, Konopacka A, Nehring S, van der Velde G, Vezhnovetz V, Panov VE (2008) Assessment of biocontamination of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in European inland waterways. Aquatic Invasions, Volume 3, Issue 2: 211–230

Currently available protocols supporting risk assessments include:

Annotated checklists of non-native species in assessment units (Excel file)

Protocols for records of alien and native species in specific locations in assessment units, for sampling sites description and for assessment of biocontamination indices (Excel file)

Protocols for description of invasion biology of non-native species (risk assessment of non-native species and attribution of invasive species to the Black list) (Excel file)

CEFAS risk assessment protocols on alien species

Description, protocols and examples of risk assessments are available from:

CEFAS website

Mastitsky SE, Karatayev AY, Burlakova LE, Adamovich BV (2010) Non-native fishes of Belarus: diversity, distribution, and risk classification using the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK). Aquatic Invasions, Volume 5, Issue 1: 103-114

Verbrugge LNH, van der Velde G, Hendriks AJ, Verreycken H, Leuven RSEW (2012) Risk classifications of aquatic non-native species: application of contemporary European assessment protocols in different biogeographical settings. Aquatic Invasions, Volume 7, Issue 1: 49-58

Risk assessment protocols for use of alien species in aquaculture and stock enhancement

Description, protocols and examples of risk assessments are available from:

European Commission FP6 IMPASSE Project Deliverable 3.2.

Risk Assessment Scheme for Non-native Species in Great Britain

Description, protocols and examples of risk assessments are available from:

The GB non-native species secretariat website

The German-Austrian black list information system (GABLIS)

Description, protocols and examples of risk assessments are available from:

Essl F, Nehring S, Klingenstein F, Milasowszky N, Nowack C, Rabitsch W (2011) Review of risk assessment systems of IAS in Europe and introducing the German-Austrian black list information system (GABLIS). Journal for Nature Conservation 19: 339–350

Nehring S, Kolthoff D (2011) The invasive water primrose Ludwigia grandiflora (Michaux) Greuter & Burdet (Spermatophyta: Onagraceae) in Germany: First record and ecological risk assessment. Aquatic Invasions, Volume 6, Issue 1: 83-89

Ballast Water Risk Assessment

Description, protocols and examples of risk assessments are available from:

International Maritime Organization (IMO) Guidelines for Risk Assessment website

Alexandrov B, Bashtannyy R, Clarke C, Hayes T, Hilliard R, Polglaze J, Rabotnyov V, Raaymakers S (2004) Ballast Water Risk Assessment, Port of Odessa, Ukraine, October 2003: Final Report. GloBallast Monograph Series No. 10. IMO London

Hayes KR (1998) Ecological risk assessment for ballast water introductions: A suggested approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 55: 201–212

Barry SC, Hayes KR, Hewitt CL, Behrens HL, Dragsund E, Bakke SM (2008) Ballast water risk assessment: principles, processes and methods. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 65: 121-131

Other Risk Assessment Tools

IUCN ISSG directory of publicly available resources on risk assessment tools website