Volume 12, Issue 1

Special Issue:  Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species 

Edited by: Sarah Bailey, Mattias Johansson, Brenda Koenig and Linda Shaw 

Published in March 2021

This special issue of Management of Biological Invasions includes applied papers presented at the 21st International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 27-31, 2019.

The publication of this special issue is supported by the International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species (INVASIVESNET).



Mattias L. Johansson, Brenda Koenig and Sarah A. Bailey
ICAIS provides a unique forum for synthesizing knowledge of aquatic invasive species (pp 1–7)

Without Abstract

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Research articles

Laura N.H. Verbrugge, Murray I. Dawson, Lyn A. Gettys, Rob S.E.W. Leuven, Hélia Marchante, Elizabete Marchante, Petri Nummi, Annerie H.M. Rutenfrans, Katrin Schneider and Sonia Vanderhoeven
Novel tools and best practices for education about invasive alien species (pp 8–24)


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Brett van Poorten and Martina Beck
Getting to a decision: using structured decision-making to gain consensus on approaches to invasive species control (pp 25–48)


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Pål Adolfsen, Helge Bardal and Svein Aune
Fighting an invasive fish parasite in subarctic Norwegian rivers – The end of a long story? (pp 49–65)


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Verena Sesin, Christina M. Davy, Marcel E. Dorken, Janice M. Gilbert and Joanna R. Freeland
Variation in glyphosate effects and accumulation in emergent macrophytes (pp 66–84)


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Devon C. Oliver, Alex D. Loubere and Jeff A. Sorensen
Efficacy of low-dose EarthTec® QZ treatment for the control of New Zealand mud snails Potamopyrgus antipodarum in a hatchery environment (pp 85–95)


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Matthew T. Barbour, James A. Luoma, Todd J. Severson, Jeremy K. Wise and Barbara Bennie
Avoidance of cold-, cool-, and warm-water fishes to Zequanox® exposure (pp 96–107)


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Zhaojun Wang and James J. Corbett
Scenario-based cost-effectiveness analysis of ballast water treatment strategies (pp 108–124)


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Stephanie J. Bradbeer, Trevor Renals, Claire Quinn, Daniel A. Warren, Benjamin Pile, Kate Hills and Alison M. Dunn
The effectiveness of hot water pressurized spray in field conditions to slow the spread of invasive alien species (pp 125–147)


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Shrisha Mohit, Timothy B. Johnson and Shelley E. Arnott
Recreational watercraft decontamination: can current recommendations reduce aquatic invasive species spread? (pp 148–164)


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Frank P.L. Collas, Ellen Arends, Marieke Buuts and Rob S.E.W. Leuven
Effect of airflow on overland transport potential of the invasive quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis) (pp 165–177)


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Tim Campbell, Bret Shaw, Evelyn Hammond, Luye Bao, Shiyu Yang, Peter Jurich and Sara Fox
Qualitative interviews of practitioners of Buddhist life release rituals residing in the United States: implications for reducing invasion risk (pp 178–192)


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Pim Lemmers, Frank P.L. Collas, Ronald Gylstra, Ben H.J.M. Crombaghs, Gerard van der Velde and Rob S.E.W. Leuven
Risks and management of alien freshwater crayfish species in the Rhine-Meuse river district (pp 193–220)


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