Volume 6, Issue 1

Published in March 2015



Research articles


Javier Atalah, Grant A. Hopkins, Lauren M. Fletcher, Aurelie Castinel and Barrie M. Forrest
Concepts for biocontrol in marine environments: is there a way forward? (pp 1-12)


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Susan L. Williams, R. Eliot Crafton, Rachel E. Fontana, Edwin D. Grosholz, Grace Ha, Jae R. Pasari and Chela J. Zabin
A vector analysis of marine ornamental species in California (pp 13-29)


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Irena Kaczmarska and James M. Ehrman
High colonization and propagule pressure by ship ballast as a vector for the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia (pp 31-43)


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Crysta A. Gantz, Doria R. Gordon, Christopher L. Jerde, Reuben P. Keller, William L. Chadderton, Paul D. Champion and David M. Lodge
Managing the introduction and spread of non-native aquatic plants in the Laurentian Great Lakes: a regional risk assessment approach (pp 45-55)


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Marc J. Morandi, Nathan F. Manning, Jonathan M. Bossenbroek and Christopher L. Jerde
Assessing the influence of different inland lake management strategies on human-mediated invasive species spread (pp 57-69)


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Gregory W. Whitledge, Megan M. Weber, Jessi DeMartini, John Oldenburg, Dave Roberts, Carolyn Link, Sarahann M. Rackl, Neil P. Rude, Andrew J. Yung, Lindsey R. Bock and Devon C. Oliver
An evaluation Zequanox® efficacy and application strategies for targeted control of zebra mussels in shallow-water habitats in lakes (pp 71-82)


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Leo G. Nico, Ronald A. Englund and Howard L. Jelks
Evaluating the piscicide rotenone as an option for eradication of invasive Mozambique tilapia in a Hawaiian brackish-water wetland complex (pp 83-104)


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Yusuke Miyazaki, Atsunobu Murase and Hiroshi Senou
A natural history museum as a platform for accumulating verifiable information on non-native fishes: a Japanese example (pp 105-110)


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Zen Faulkes
A bomb set to drop: parthenogenetic Marmorkrebs for sale in Ireland, a European location without non-indigenous crayfish (pp 111-114)


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