Volume 1, Issue 1

Published in 2010


Editorial letter

Elias Dana and Jim Graham
Management of Biological Invasions: Opening the journal


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Research articles

Filip Verloove
Invaders in disguise. Conservation risks derived from misidentification of invasive plants (pp 1-5)


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Daniel Guillot and Piet van der Meer
Nuevos taxones vegetales alóctonos de jardinería en el área continental de NE de España: comportamiento e historia (pp 6-12)


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Andrea Pino-del-Carpio, Rafael Miranda and Jordi Puig
Non-native freshwater fish management in Biosphere Reserves (pp 13-33)


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Elias D. Dana
Rapid assessment of populations trends of invasive species: Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) (pp 34-36)


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Melody Rudenko and Andrew Hulting
Integration of chemical control with restoration techniques for management of Fallopia japonica populations (pp 37-49)


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