The Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre (REABIC) is a largely virtual institute providing on-line information services in the area of biological invasions research and management. Facilitation of international cooperation on the invasive species related issues, linking international research community and general public, managers and decision-makers as well as other interested stakeholders are among the main REABIC objectives.

The REABIC is started in 2001 as a web portal, providing access to the global, regional, sub-regional and national Internet resources on biological invasions (the Regional Biological Invasions Centre project, RBIC). At present REABIC is serving as an independent virtual data centre for applied research and management of invasive species focusing on the Euro-Asian region and providing online services for interested stakeholders around a World.

REABIC is hosting web sites of the International Society of Limnology Working Group on Aquatic Invasive Species (SIL WGAIS), and the European Information and Research Network on Aquatic Invasive Species (ERNAIS).

REABIC is a partner organisation and data provider for the European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN, see also Experts' Position Document on further strengthening EASIN as supporting tool to the IAS EU Regulation), and for the International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species (INVASIVESNET).

REABIC is serving also as an official publisher of open access, peer-reviewed international journals focusing on biological invasions Aquatic Invasions, BioInvasions Records and Management of Biological Invasions. The incorporation of thematic open access journals into the REABIC information system represents an innovative cost-effective approach to expert networking in information exchange and to IAS-related information management, ensures sustainability of REABIC-based information management tools, and also contributes to sustainability and cost-effectiveness of relevant information resources of REABIC partners.

REABIC is a legal body (SME) registered in Finland (please contact REABIC Director for details).

REABIC Privacy Policy.

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© 2022 Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre